Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday - May 15, 9am @ CV METS

Coming into the 11th game, BLUR faced the CV METS for the 2nd, and last, time in the regulation season. In the last game, the CV METS outperformed BLUR and took home the win. But, BLUR , having put on great performances throughout the season, was able to put together 2 wins in their last 2 games. Unfortunately, BLUR was missing 2 key players on the day, Natalie and Olivia, one of which was one of our primary pitchers. Only able to field 10 girls, BLUR would have to play everyone for the entire game and, with players missing in key positions, BLUR was forced to shuffle around their defense as well as their lineup. It would be a tough uphill battle. But, could BLUR overcome their disadvantage in the game to make it 3 wins in a row? It was time to find out as the umpire got the game under way.

1st Inning
With the METS at home, the BLUR offense was up 1st. Rachel was up to lead BLUR off. Rachel went back and forth with the METS pitcher until they reached full count. Then, she fouled off the next pitch to stay alive. On the next pitch, the pitcher missed the strike zone and Rachel walked, putting a BLUR runner on 1st. Janessa was up next. Janessa held her bat on the 1st pitch and Rachel successfully stole 2nd. The pitcher lost her groove on the next 2 pitches, bringing the count to 2 and 1. Playing the odds, Janessa held her bat on the next pitch, but the pitcher was on target and the count evened up at 2 and 2. Janessa fouled off the next pitch to stay alive and a ball on the next pitch filled up the count. Losing control on the next pitch, the METS batter gave Janessa 1st base with a walk. With BLUR runners on 1st and 2nd, Lexie was up next. Lexie held her bat on the 1st pitch, but the pitch was on target and put 1 strike in the count. Lexie took a swing at the next pitch and connected. She sent the ball rolling fast through the 1st base side of the METS' infield. The 2nd baseman got in front of the ball and reeled it in. She got up and flipped the ball to the short stop covering 2nd to get the 1st out on Janessa. With BLUR runners on 1st and 3rd, Hylah came up to bat. Hylah held her bat on the 1st pitch as Lexie safely advanced to 2nd on a steal, but, again, the pitcher was on target and put a strike in Hylah's count. Hylah tipped the next pitch and the count was at 0 and 2. Hylah held her bat on the low pitch, but the umpire ruled it a strike and Hylah struck out for the 2nd out of the inning. Kas was up next. Kas came to the plate swinging. She missed on the 1st pitch for a strike. On the 2nd pitch, Kas connected and sent a fast grounder toward the outfield, which looked like it was going to get past the METS 2nd baseman. At the last second, the 2nd baseman picked up the speed and got in front of the ball. She scooped it up and made the toss to 1st, beating Kas to the bag and getting the 3rd out to retire the side.

Lexie was in to pitch to start BLUR off. Lexie's 1st pitch on the 1st METS batter was low. She found her strike on the next pitch to even up the count, but quickly lost it and eventually walked the batter. Lexie was able to get the 2nd batter to swing at her 1st pitch for a strike. The runner on 1st took off and stole 2nd. Lexie's next 2 pitches looked good, but the umpire called them balls to bring the count to 2 and 1. The batter fouled off the next pitch and evened up the count at 2 and 2. Lexie threw heat on her next pitch and, once again, the pitch looked like it was on the money, but the umpire called it a ball and the count was full. A ball on the next pitch walked the batter and put METS runners on 1st and 2nd. Growing frustrated with the umpire's calls, Lexie had to dig deep to stay focused. On the 1st pitch, she got one over for a strike, but the next pitch hit the ground and the count was at 1 and 1. The METS batter took a swing at Lexie's next pitch and connected, sending it toward Jessica in right field. Jessica moved to the ball, but couldn't reach it and it hit the ground. Jessica collected the ball and threw to 1st, but the throw was a bit off and the runner reached the base safely as 1 METS runner crossed home. Once again, the umpire was calling, what looked to be strike pitches, balls and on 4 pitches, the next batter got on base with a walk and loaded the bases. The 5th METS batter was up. Lexie's 1st pitch was called a ball. On the next pitch, the batter connected and sent a grounder toward Katelyn, playing 2nd base. Katelyn made the stop, but, on the way up, Katelyn held up her throw for a moment and that was all the time the runner needed to cross the bag safely. The runner on 3rd, seeing Katelyn go for the play at 1st, took off for home. Kas received the ball from Katelyn and, seeing the runner try to score, quickly threw the ball to Hylah at home and got the out. Lexie got back to work and this time, she was determined. She threw a strike on her 1st pitch. Then, she got the batter to swing and got the ball past her and into Hylah's glove for strike 2. Lexie started to struggle a bit and, with her next 3 pitches, she brought up full count. On Lexie's next pitch, she dug deep and threw right down the middle striking the batter out for the 2nd out of the inning. Lexie's 1st pitch on the next batter was low. A ball on the next 2 pitches brought the count to 3 and 0. The batter connected on the next pitch and hit a grounder down the 3rd base line. Janessa scooped up the ball and ran back to base to get the last out at 3rd, but 1 run crossed the plate before the out and scored.


2nd Inning
Katelyn was up to lead things off for BLUR in the 2nd. It seemed like the umpire was affecting the METS' pitcher as well as every pitch on Katelyn was ruled a ball. In the end, Katelyn got on base with a walk. Jahlan came up next. This time, the METS' pitcher dialed it in and strung to strike pitches together. Jahlan connected on the 1st pitch, but the ball landed in foul territory and Jahlan stayed alive. The METS pitcher's next pitch came in low and Jahlan held her bat. However, the umpire called it a strike and Jahlan was sent back to the BLUR dugout. Nikki was up next. Again, a pitch came in a bit wide and the umpire ruled it a strike, putting Nikki behind after the 1st pitch. Nikki held her bat on the next pitch, but the METS pitcher got it over for strike 2. The pitcher missed the target on her next 2 pitches to even up the count at 2 and 2. Then, the pitcher threw the ball hard and fast straight down the middle. Nikki held her bat and struck out. Anna came to the plate to take her at bat. The pitcher's 1st pitch on Anna came in high for a ball. The next pitch was high as well and the count was at 2 and 0. The METS pitcher's next pitch was a bit low and Anna held her bat, thinking ball. But, the umpire raised her hand to call strike. Another pitch looked off, but the umpire, once again called strike and evened up the count at 2 and 2. A ball on the next pitch brought up full count. On the next pitch, Anna held her bat again for what looked like another ball. But the umpire thought differently and raised her hand to call the strike. Anna struck out and that was the end of BLUR's 2nd inning.

Lexie was back in to pitch in the 2nd. The 1st batter took a swing at Lexie's 1st pitch and missed for strike 1. On Lexie's 2nd pitch, the batter got a hold of it and sent the ball rolling toward Janessa at 3rd base. Janessa picked the ball up and threw it to Kas, playing 1st. The ball reached 1st before the runner, but Kas dropped the ball and the runner got on base. The next METS batter came to the plate. Lexie's 1st pitch found it's mark for strike 1. The batter took a swing on Lexie's next pitch and connected. This time the grounder went through the infield toward Katelyn at 2nd. Katelyn made the stop and flipped the ball to Kas. When the runner, now on 2nd, saw that Katelyn tried to make the play at 1st, she took off for 3rd and arrived safely. For the 2nd play in a row, Kas wasn't able to secure the ball and it fell out of her glove and hit the ground. The runner reached 1st safely and METS runners were now on 1st and 3rd. The next METS batter came to the plate. On Lexie's 1st pitch, the ball got past Hylah and the runner on 1st stole 2nd. Another pitch looked close, but the umpire ruled it a ball, bringing up 2 and 0. The batter took swings at Lexie's next 2 pitches, evening up the count at 2 and 2. Another close pitch, ruled a strike, filled up the count. The batter stayed alive by fouling off Lexie's next pitch. On the next pitch, the METS batter took a cut and connected. She sent the ball through the BLUR infield, on the 1st base side, straight toward Katelyn, playing 2nd. Katelyn charged in and threw the ball to Kas. Seeing the play go to 1st, the runner on 3rd took off for home and scored. Kas reached out her glove to receive the ball. This time, Kas secured the ball and stepped on the base to get the 1st out of the inning. At this point in the game, the umpire's non-existent strike zone started to hurt us. While there were a few legitimate balls in the mix, a lot of Lexie's pitches were strike pitches, but the umpire seemed to refuse to call them. A walk on the next batter put METS runners on 1st and 2nd. With the 5th batter at the plate, the runner on 2nd stole 3rd on the 1st pitch, which was ruled a ball. After being able to throw 1 strike through, a walk on the batter loaded the bases. Lexie was able to reach full count on the 6th batter, but a ball on her last pitch walked the batter and brought a runner home. Walks on the next 3 batters kept the bases loaded for the METS and brought 3 more runners across the plate. Lexie was able to get the 10th METS batter to swing at a couple of pitches and, after getting the count to 2 and 2, Lexie was able to get a pitch past the swinging batter for the strikeout and the 2nd out of the inning. A walk on the 11th batter kept the bases loaded and brought 1 more MET in. On the 12th batter of the inning, Lexie threw a heater across the plate to get ahead in the count with a strike. Lexie got the batter to swing at the next pitch and miss for strike 2. She lost her groove on the next 3 pitches to bring up full count. Playing the odds, the METS batter held her swing on Lexie's next pitch, hoping for a walk, but the umpire, surprisingly called it a strike and Lexie ended the misery of the 2nd inning with the strikeout and the 3rd out of the inning. Unfortunately, the damage was done and the METS were up by 8 points.


3rd Inning
With much of the time in the game ticking away waiting for the umpire to approve a strike and the METS pitching a shut-out so far, BLUR was still scoreless in the game. Jessica was up 1st in the 3rd to see if she could get the BLUR offense out of the gates for this game. The METS pitcher threw a strike on her 1st pitch, but she started to struggle and that proved to be the only strike she would get before walking Jessica. With a runner on 1st, Rachel was next up to bat. The METS pitcher regained her strike and strung 2 together to get ahead in the count against Rachel. Rachel held her swing on the next pitch for a ball and an outside pitch after that evened up the count at 2 and 2. On the next pitch, Rachel connected and sent a grounder down the 3rd base line. The METS' 3rd baseman moved in to get the stop and fired the ball to 1st for the 1st out as Jessica advanced to 2nd. Janessa was up next. She put out her bat for a bunt and fouled the 1st pitch off for strike one. She put the bat out again to try another bunt and fouled off the next pitch. With 2 strikes, it was time to swing. Janessa decided to hold up on the next pitch. Luckily, it was low and outside and the count moved to 1 and 2. The pitcher dug deep on the next pitch and fired on in. Janessa held her swing again, but, this time, the pitch was good and Janessa struck out. Lexie was up next. The METS pitcher missed on her 1st pitch and Jessica stole her way into scoring position. Then, the pitcher found her rhythm again on the next one to bring the count to 1 and 1. Lexie tipped the next pitch foul, bringing up strike 2. On the next pitch, Lexie took a swing and missed for strike 3 and the 3rd out of the inning. The METS pitcher, even though she started to show some wear, so far, had BLUR's number all game and was pitching a shutout. So far, BLUR couldn't come up with an answer and things started to look bad for the BLUR girls.

It was time to give Lexie a break. Hylah was brought in to pitch in the 3rd inning, but with the umpire calling the pitches as she had been all game, it was a mystery if the BLUR defense could turn things around in this game. The 1st METS batter came out to face Hylah. Hylah's 1st pitch on the batter was low and her next pitch was outside. On Hylah's next pitch, the batter took a swing and got a hit. She sent the ball over the BLUR infield and it landed in the grass for a single. The next batter was up. It seemed like Hylah couldn't find the umpire's strike zone either as her 1st 2 pitches were ruled balls. On Hylah's 3rd pitch, the batter connected and sent a grounder through the BLUR infield toward Rachel, now playing 2nd. Rachel moved in to the ball. She lost control of the ball for a moment as she was coming up to make a play and it was all the time the batter needed to make it safely to 1st. The next batter came out swinging and was able to hit Hylah's next pitch. Again, the ball was headed toward Rachel at 2nd. Rachel picked up the grounder and threw to 1st, going for the out. But, the throw was a bit too high and got away from Lexie, playing 1st and the batter got on base safely. With the overthrow and the ball going out into the right field grass, the BLUR defense scrambled to get the ball under control and the METS runners were on the move. One run came across the plate as the ball was thrown to Katelyn, at short stop. Covering 2nd base, Katelyn made the catch and applied the tag on the runner coming to 2nd for the 1st out of the inning. Hylah got back to work against the next batter. Again, the umpire seemed to be playing Keep Away with her strike zone, but Hylah was able to get the batter to swing at a couple of pitches to reach full count. In the end, a walk on the batter put METS runners on 1st and 3rd. The 5th METS batter was next at bat. Hylah's 1st pitch was on the mark, but the runner on 1st took off and made it safely to 2nd on a steal. On Hylah's next pitch, which went high, the anxious runner on 2nd tried for 3rd, but the runner on 3rd held up. As the runner returned to her base, Kas got up to try to get the out at 2nd. When she threw the ball, the runner on 3rd saw an opportunity and scored on a steal from 3rd. The ball arrived at 2nd, but the runner was able to put her foot on the base before Rachel was able to turn and apply the tag. Hylah was able to reach full count on the batter, but not before the runner managed a steal to 3rd on a passed ball. Finally, a ball on Hylah's last pitch walked the batter. Then, the umpire's unforgiving strike zone started to rear its ugly head again. On 5 pitches, the 6th METS batter walked and loaded the bases. Walks on the next 3 METS batters kept the bases loaded and brought 3 runs in. On the 10th batter, Hylah was able to reach full count, but a hit on the next pitch sent a ball through the BLUR infield for a single and brought 2 runs across the plate. Hylah's 1st pitch against the 11th METS batter of the inning went high and it looked like the walk-a-thon would begin again. Hylah was able to string together a couple of strike pitches until she reached full count. Hylah reached deep and threw her next pitch. The batter, hoping for the umpire to call another ball, held her swing, but this time the umpire didn't give it to her and she struck out for the 2nd out of the inning. Hylah started to struggle against the 12th METS batter. After 3 pitches were ruled balls, the batter connected on Hylah's next pitch and sent the ball through the infield toward Rachel at 2nd base. Rachel reeled it in and threw to 1st, but, again, her throw was slightly off and Lexie wasn't able to get a handle on it. The batter was able to reach 1st and brought 2 runs across the plate for the METS. The 13th batter came to the plate. Hylah found the umpire's strike zone on her 1st pitch, but lost it immediately and the runner stole her way to 3rd. A walk on the batter put METS runners on 1st and 3rd. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases and BLUR was forced to bring Lexie back to the rubber to try to see if a fresh pitcher would be able to throw a pitch that would meet the umpire's approval. Lexie tried her best, but, after reaching full count on the 15th METS batter of the inning, a ball on the next pitch brought 1 more run across. The 16th METS batter came out swinging and connected on Lexie's 1st pitch. The ball hugged the 3rd base line and Janessa picked it up. With a force at any base, she returned to 3rd and stepped on the bag for the 3rd out.


4th Inning
With the METS sitting on a ridiculous 18-point lead. It was almost a foregone conclusion that BLUR's 2-game win streak was broken. It was now up to the BLUR girls to make sure that they wouldn't get shut out of the game. Having done her job throughout the game and needing to save her for her upcoming games, the METS decided to give their starting pitcher a break. With time running low in regulation play, this would be the final chance for BLUR to put points on the board. Hylah was up to start things off in the 4th. After 2 ball pitches, Hylah connected and sent the ball tearing through the METS infield and out into the grass for a single. Kas was up next. She connected on the pitcher's 1st pitch and sent the grounder past the METS short stop for another single. With BLUR runners on 1st and 2nd, Katelyn came up to bat. A passed ball on the 1st pitch gave Hylah and Kas an opening and they safely moved into scoring position with a steal. On the next pitch, Katelyn got a hit and sent the ball deep into the METS right field for a triple and brought Hylah and Kas home. The METS pitcher seemed a bit rattled at having lost the METS' chance at the shutout victory. Having successfully prevented the shutout, Katelyn, now at 3rd, lit a fire under BLUR as Jahlan came to the plate. A walk on Jahlan put BLUR runners at 1st and 3rd. After battling to reach full count, the METS pitcher walked Nikki and loaded the bases. Anna was up next. Anna took a swing at the pitcher's 1st pitch for strike 1. Then, after reaching full count, the pitcher, apparently growing more and more anxious, struggled to find the umpire's strike zone. A walk on Anna brought Katelyn home. Jessica was up next. The pitcher missed on the 1st 2 pitches to bring the count to 2 and 0. On the next pitch, the ball got past the catcher and Jahlah, stealing aggressively, scored from 3rd base. The METS pitcher ran off the field and demanded that she be taken out of the game. The METS brought in a new pitcher to finish Jessica's at bat. The new pitcher was able to get 1 strike across, but her 2nd, and last, pitch against Jessica was a ball and Jessica got on base with a walk, loading the bases once again for BLUR. Rachel was up next. It took the METS' new pitcher 3 pitches to find the umpire's strike zone. But, once found, she wouldn't let it go and tossed 3 pitches in a row that all found their target for the strikeout on Rachel and the 1st out of the inning. Janessa was up next. After reaching 2 and 0, Janessa took a swing at the pitcher's next pitch. Janessa connected and sent the ball through the METS infield toward 2nd base. The 2nd baseman moved in and stopped the ball, but she fumbled it on the way up and allowed Janessa to reach 1st as Nikki scored. Lexie was up next. Again, the pitcher struggled to find the umpire's strike zone. She was able to get 1 strike over, but, in the end, she wasn't able to win the exchange and a walk on Lexie kept the bases loaded and brought Anna home. With the bases loaded and 1 out, Hylah came to the plate to take her 2nd at bat of the inning. The 1st pitch was high. Hylah fouled off the 2nd pitch to bring up 1 and 1. On her next 2 pitches, the METS pitcher was off and brought the count to 3 and 1. The pitcher dug deep and was able to peel off a strike pitch, but Hylah was ready for it and took a swing. Hylah roped the ball to the base of the outfield fence and the BLUR runners were on the move. The METS outfield rushed to get the ball back to the infield, but Hylah got a triple on the play and brought 3 runs home for BLUR. By all reports, this was one of, if not THE, biggest hit that most people in the league had ever seen in any division. Another couple of feet and the ball would've cleared the fence 200ft from home plate. It was a sight to behold. Kas was up next. Inspired by Hylah's big hit, Kas came out swinging. She fouled off the 1st pitch and tipped off the 2nd for strikes 1 and 2. The pitcher's next pitch came in low and put a ball in the count. Sensing her opportunity slipping away, Kas took a swing on the next pitch and tipped it. The alert METS catcher caught the ball and got the 2nd out of the inning. Katelyn was up next. She fought hard against the METS pitcher until they reached a count of 2 and 2. Katelyn fouled off the next pitch to stay alive. Hoping to repeat her triple earlier in the inning, Katelyn took a hard swing at the next pitch and connected. The ball popped up high over the METS' infield. The short stop got herself under the ball and reached out her glove. The ball hit the glove and the METS' short stop secured it for the final out, ending the BLUR rally and the game.

Final Score

Game Ball
Excepting the late-game rally, which included some incredible hits from Hylah and Katelyn and some great base stealing by Jahlan as well as some (unnoticed by the umpire) continued good pitching by both Lexie and Hylah throughout the game, for the 2nd game in a row, BLUR was stifled and was not able to put up a lot of offense. Upon review of BLUR's last game, it was apparent that someone was overlooked for her performance in that particular game and that situation would be rectified with the game ball. So, for her great performance in the previous game as well as her continued enthusiasm and support of the team, including her determination to get some infield play this season, Anna was awarded the game ball. Great job Anna!

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