Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday - April 26, 6pm vs. CHILI PEPPERS

Although the last game didn’t put BLUR in the win column, the tie effectively broke the losing streak that BLUR has been on since opening day. Fighting hard every time, but falling shy of a win so far, BLUR’s 2010 record is very deceptive in that these girls can play. The combination of some very competitive and challenging teams and some unfortunate timing during games has put BLUR in a deep hole, but the girls keep fighting to claw their way out. Taking control early in the last game was a great boost to the BLUR girls’ confidence. Now it was time to see if they could keep it going against yet another very strong team.

For the 2nd and last time in regulation play, BLUR faced the CHILI PEPPERS. Our last meeting with the CHILI PEPPERS was a very tight, competitive game. It was time to see if BLUR could redeem that previous loss as the last game of the 1st half of the 2010 season got underway.

1st Inning
Since the CHILI PEPPERS was visitor this time around, the BLUR defense took their positions on the field and Lexie was in to pitch. Getting warmed up, Lexie threw a ball on the 1st pitch. She followed it up with a no-swing strike. The batter put her bat out on the next pitch on a bunt attempt, but the ball rolled foul to bring up 1 and 2. Lexie planted her feet and threw heat on the next pitch. The CHILI PEPPER batter took a swing and missed and Lexie was off to a great start in the game with a strikeout. The 2nd CHILI PEPPER batter came to the plate and Lexie had trouble finding her pitch. It took 4 throws before she notched a strike. On the next pitch, the batter took a cut and connected with the pitch. The ball was going toward foul territory, but, on the fly, Natalie reached out and picked the ball out of the air for the 2nd out of the inning. Lexie had trouble with the next batter and eventually lost the battle, walking the CHILI PEPPER batter. The next batter came to the plate. She threw out a bunt on Lexie’s 1st pitch, but left the bat out for a strike as the runner on 1st stole 2nd. On the next pitch, the batter took a swing and sent the ball for a ride into the BLUR outfield for a double. The BLUR outfield recovered quickly and threw the ball back to Hylah at home plate to try to prevent the score, but the runner had plenty of time and scored. When Hylah threw the ball back to Lexie, her throw went wild and got past the pitcher’s circle. Seizing the opportunity, the runner on 2nd made it to 3rd on a steal. Lexie’s 1st pitch on the next batter was high. On the next pitch, the batter connected and sent a hard grounder through the BLUR infield for a single, but 1 more run came across the plate as BLUR secured the ball. Shaking it off, Lexie got turned her attention to the 6th CHILI PEPPER batter taking her position at home plate. Lexie’s 1st pitch, caught the batter by surprise as she held the bat, bringing up strike 1 as the runner on 1st stole 2nd. Lexie threw heat again and for a 2nd time in a row, the batter was caught napping for strike 2. Lexie dug deep and sent the ball hurtling toward Hylah’s glove. For the 3rd time in a row, the batter held her bat and Lexie struck her out to bring out the BLUR offense.

The CHILI PEPPER pitcher was one of the higher rated pitchers in the league and she came out ready to play. Rachel was up 1st to lead BLUR off in the game. The 1st pitch came through fast and Rachel was caught off guard. She was ready for the next one and took a swing. Rachel connected with the ball, but sent it into foul territory for strike 2. The next pitch was low and outside. With the count at 1 and 2, the pitcher dialed it in once again and caught Rachel holding her bat, striking her out. Katelyn was up next and the CHILI PEPPER pitcher seemed to have trouble adjusting to the new strike zone. Missing on all of her pitches, Katelyn got on base with a walk. Jahlan was up next. After a high pitch brought up ball 1, Jahlan took a swing and hit a hard grounder through the CHILI PEPPERS’ infield and out into the right field grass for a single. Lexie came to the plate next. On the 1st pitch, Katelyn tried for 3rd. The catcher collected the ball quickly and got up to throw her out. As Katelyn approached the base, the 3rd baseman caught the ball and turned, making the tag just as Katelyn reached the plate. The base umpire ruled it an out and sent Katelyn back to the BLUR dugout. Without missing a beat, the pitcher got back to work on Lexie, throwing a heater through to the CHILI PEPPER catcher for a strike. With 2 strikes and no balls, Lexie had to swing aggressively to stay alive, sending the next 2 pitches into foul territory. The pitcher got the better of Lexie as she threw the change-up on her next pitch. Her timing thrown off, Lexie took an off-balance swing at the ball, but she missed the ball and it reached it’s target, striking Lexie out and keeping BLUR scoreless in the inning.


2nd Inning
Lexie was back in to pitch in the 2nd. The strikeout in the 1st inning seemed to light a fire under Lexie and she started to throw some heat at the CHILI PEPPERS. The first pitch got past the batter on a swing. The next pitch went high to bring up 1 and 1. The batter took a swing on the next pitch and missed it again, but Lexie’s next pitch went low and the count was now at 2 and 2. Lexie found her strike on the next pitch and put some speed behind it that drew the swing and the miss, striking the batter out and winning the exchange. The action on the next batter was much the same as Lexie alternated between strikes and balls to bring the count to 2 and 1. The batter made contact on the next pitch and sent the ball on a hard bounce through the BLUR infield. Katelyn moved in from her position at 2nd base and got the stop. She got up and flipped it to Natalie, beating the runner to the bag and getting the 2nd out of the inning. Lexie turned her attention back to the plate and the next CHILI PEPPER batter. Lexie got the batter to swing on the 1st pitch for strike 1. She missed the mark on the 2nd pitch and the count evened up. But digging into her bag of tricks, Lexie threw heat on the next 2 pitches and got them past the batter’s swinging bat, striking her out and sending the CHILI PEPPER batter back to the dugout scratching her head.

Hylah was up 1st for BLUR in the 2nd inning. On the 1st pitch, Hylah took a swing and connected. The ball bounced down the 1st base side of the field as Hylah ran to 1st. The pitcher scrambled over to get to the ball, but an awkward bounce caused the pitcher to fall to the ground without making the throw and Hylah got on base. Natalie was up next. She also took a cut on the 1st pitch and connected. This time the ball bounced down the 3rd base line, giving Natalie enough time to reach 1st as Hylah made it to 2nd. Kas was up next. Kas took a swing at the CHILI PEPPER pitcher’s 1st pitch and connected. The ball went into foul territory for strike 1. Kas tipped the next pitch to bring up another strike. Kas continued to stay alive on foul balls as the count inched it’s way to full. On the next pitch, Kas finally connected solidly and sent the ball rolling through the CHILI PEPPER infield on the 1st base side. As Kas ran for 1st, the 2nd baseman got in front of the ball and scooped it up. She tossed it to 1st to get the out on Kas, but Hylah and Natalie moved into scoring position on the play. With 1 out and BLUR runners on 2nd and 3rd, Anna came to the plate to take her at bat. After throwing 3 straight ball pitches, Anna took a swing and sent one into foul territory. The CHILI PEPPER pitcher threw heat on the next pitch and Anna held her bat for the strike, bringing up full count. The pitcher took a hard look at Anna and threw heat right down the middle. Anna took a swing, but missed and was sent back to the BLUR dugout. A walk on Olivia loaded the bases. Destiny came up to bat next. Destiny held her bat as the pitcher tried to adjust to Destiny’s strike zone. The pitcher got behind early, but managed to bring it back, getting to full count. On the next pitch, Destiny took a swing. Misjudging the height, Destiny’s cut was high and sailed just above the incoming pitch. She struck out to bring a close to the 2nd inning.


3rd Inning
Lexie was back in to pitch for the 3rd time in the game. She got off to a good start as the 1st batter took a swing and missed to start the inning off with a strike. The next pitch hit the ground to even the count up. A swing on Lexie’s next pitch connected and sent the ball into foul territory and Lexie got ahead. Then, Lexie brought one more around and got the batter to swing and miss for the strikeout. The next CHILI PEPPER batter came to the plate. Splitting the difference on her 1st 2 pitches, Lexie was dead even with the batter at 1 and 1. The batter took a swing on the next pitch and connected, driving the ball straight into the ground. Immediately, the batter took off for 1st and the ball bounced hitting her on the run as she tried to get clear. It was ruled a dead ball and the batter had to reset as she collected another strike for her troubles. The batter stayed alive on one more pitch as she hit one to foul territory. Then, Lexie threw one across the plate and caught the batter swinging for the 2nd strikeout in a row. The next CHILI PEPPER batter came to the plate. Lexie threw high on the 1st pitch for ball 1. She got the batter to swing at the next pitch to even up the count. The batter connected on the next pitch, sending a grounder through the infield, that got past Katelyn at 2nd , and out into the grass for a single. With a CHILI PEPPER runner on base and 2 outs, Lexie got to work on the next CHILI PEPPER batter. On the 1st pitch, the batter left her bat out on a bunt and drew the 1st strike. Lexie followed it up with a hard, fast ball for strike 2. The pitch got away from Lexie on the next 2 pitches and the count was even at 2 and 2. Then, breathing deeply in preparation for the pitch, Lexie found her target and delivered the ball. Lexie drilled the pitch into Hylah’s glove and sent the CHILI PEPPERS’ offense back to their dugout empty handed for the 2nd inning in a row.

Holding their own against the CHILI PEPPERS in the game so far, could BLUR get their offense going to get back in the game? Jessica was up 1st to see what she could do. On the 1st pitch, Jessica was surprised by the CHILI PEPPER pitcher’s speed. She held her bat and the pitch found its mark. Strike 1. The next pitch fired in to the CHILI PEPPER catcher’s glove, once again, stunning Jessica. Strike 2. On the next pitch, Jessica attempted a swing, but the pitcher’s speed was still freezing Jessica and she managed to bring the bat only half way around as the ball found it’s way to the catcher. Strike 3. Jessica returned to the BLUR dugout as Nikki took to the plate. Nikki came out swinging and made contact on the 1st pitch. She sent the ball across the foul line for strike 1. The next pitch came in and caught Nikki by surprise for strike 2. Not willing to go down without a fight, Nikki took a cut on the next pitch, but, again, the pitch came through too fast for Nikki to make contact and she struck out. Janessa was up next. After an initial ball pitch, Janessa battled against the CHILI PEPPERS’ pitcher, going shot for shot, bringing up full count. On the last-chance pitch, Janessa held her bat, hoping for a strike, but the pitch just grazed the inside of the strike zone and the umpire called it a strike and Janessa struck out to close out the 3rd inning.


4th Inning
Moving into the 4th inning trailing by 2, BLUR tapped Natalie to take over at the rubber. Coming out guns a-blazin', Natalie threw her trademark fastball through to Kas, who was relieving Hylah at home. 3 in a row went through to Kas's glove and caught the batter swinging a couple of times for a strikeout. Natalie eased off a bit on the 2nd batter and after a high ball pitch, the batter got a piece of the next one and popped it up. Natalie easily moved under the ball to make the catch, securing the 2nd out of the inning. Natalie battled with the next batter and found her strike after 3 pitches. But the batter wouldn't go down without a fight and stayed alive with foul balls until the count was full. A miscue on Natalie's next pitch caused her to miss the mark and the CHILI PEPPER batter got on base with a walk. Natalie found the heat again and threw a strike pitch that the next batter tried to drop with a bunt. Leaving the bat out, the ball reached Kas's glove for the strike, but the runner on 1st aggressively took off for 2nd on a steal. Natalie followed it up with another fast strike, but the runner was unfazed as she continued on her mission to get to 3rd. Kas got up and tried the throw, but the ball arrived too late and the runner was safe at 3rd. After a high pitch, which brought the count to 1 and 2, the batter took a swing on the next pitch and sent the ball over the infield. The ball found a seam in the grass just behind 2nd base and the CHILI PEPPER batter scored a single and brought home the 3rd base runner. Natalie got back to work, but the CHILI PEPPER runners continued to apply the pressure. The 1st pitch went high and the runner on 1st stole 2nd. The next pitch missed the target as well, and the runner made her way into scoring position. Natalie found the strike on the next pitch and brought the count to 2 and 1. Natalie put another one across for another strike, but Kas couldn't get a handle on it and it got past her. The runner on 3rd took a shot and made it home on a steal. The next pitch brought up full count. The strike still eluding her, Natalie followed it up with another ball, which put another CHILI PEPPER on base. Trying to find a way out of the inning, Natalie got back to work on the next batter. Natalie threw her 1st pitch on the next batter. The batter took a swing and appeared to check it and the umpire called it a ball. On appeal, the base umpire overruled the call and Natalie earned the strike. Unfortunately, it was the only one on the batter as the next 3 pitches were ruled balls. On the 4th ball in a row, the batter walked to 1st. The next CHILI PEPPER batter came to the plate. Trying to get the runners moving, she took a swing on the 1st pitch and connected. The ball headed toward right field in a low arc. Katelyn stepped over and made the grab for the 3rd out of the inning and prevented the CHILI PEPPERS from scoring any more points in the 4th inning.

Back at the top of the lineup, the BLUR offense needed to figure out this pitcher if they were going to get back in this game. Rachel was up 1st. Rachel came out swinging. After a ball pitch, Rachel took swings and kept fouling the ball out. She stayed alive as she inched her way to full count. The next pitch came right down the middle and Rachel took a hard swing. She connected with the ball and sent it into right field. The right fielder got to the ball and fumbled it as Rachel turned the corner at 1st. The CHILI PEPPER outfielder quickly recovered and threw the ball to 2nd. The ball reached the 2nd baseman's glove just as Rachel came in to the base. Rachel tried to slide, but the 2nd baseman was ready for it and tagged Rachel out. Katelyn was up next. Katelyn fought hard against the CHILI PEPPER pitcher, and, after getting to full count, the pitcher threw a ball and Katelyn got on base. Jahlan came to the plate next. A low pitch came through for a ball. Then Jahlan held her bat on the next pitch, which was a strike. Repeating the pattern of the 1st 2 pitches, the pitcher split the difference with Jahlan and the count was at 2 and 2. On the next pitch, Jahlan took a swing. Unfortunately, she missed the ball and struck out. With 2 outs in the inning and Katelyn still stuck on 1st base, Lexie came to take her at bat. Swinging on the 1st pitch, Lexie missed the ball for a strike. The next pitch missed its target and evened up the count as Katelyn took a big lead off of 1st. The catcher got up and raised her hand to throw, but Katelyn wouldn't budge. The catcher released the ball to attempt the pickoff, but the ball went over the 1st baseman and Katelyn gunned it for 2nd. The pitcher got one more strike past Lexie. On the next pitch, Lexie took a swing and connected. On the bounce down the middle, the pitcher was able to reel it in and made the throw to 1st for the out on Lexie. BLUR continued to be stymied by the CHILI PEPPER defense.


5th Inning
Natalie was back in to pitch in the 5th. Natalie threw 3 pitches on the 1st batter before she found her strike zone. After ball on the next pitch, Natalie was able to follow it up with a strike pitch to get the batter to swing . Missing the ball, the batter struck out. The next batter came out swinging aggressively and connected on Natalie's 1st pitch. The ball popped up high over the infield and both Natalie and Janessa went for the ball. They both called it and neither backed down. Avoiding the collision, but still getting in each other's way, the ball found a gap between them and hit the ground and the runner made it to 1st. The 3rd CHILI PEPPER batter of the inning came to the plate. Natalie's 1st pitch was high and the runner stole 2nd on the passed ball. The batter started to swing at everything as Natalie started to find her strike zone. The batter fouled out the next 2 pitches, bringing up 1 and 2. The next pitch got past Kas and the runner on 2nd took off. Kas recovered and tried to throw the runner out at 3rd, but the ball got there too late and Janessa didn't have time to turn and apply the tag. Natalie went back to work. The batter continued to stay alive on fouls until Natalie threw a ball pitch that put the batter on base. With CHILI PEPPER runners on 1st and 3rd, Natalie got the next batter to swing and miss for strike 1. The batter took a swing on the next pitch and connected. The ball found a seam on the 1st base side of the field and Lexie went after it. Lexie bobbled the ball on the way up and, with extra time, the runner crossed 1st as the other runners advanced and scored 1 run for the CHILI PEPPERS. With runners on 1st and 2nd, Natalie brought back the heat and got one past the next batter for a strike. The batter tried to get the next one, but only managed a foul tip to bring the count to 0 and 2. A passed ball on the next pitch allowed the CHILI PEPPER runner on 2nd to reach 3rd on a successful steal. A low pitch evened up the count at 2 and 2. Then Natalie turned it on again, getting the ball past the frozen batter for the strikeout and the 2nd out of the inning. Riding the wave, Natalie brought the heat again on her 1st pitch against the next CHILI PEPPER batter. On the next pitch, the batter popped the ball up high over the infield. With the ball headed toward center field, it started to drop and the BLUR short stop, 2nd baseman and right center fielder converged on the ball. With no communication between the 3 defensive BLUR players on the play, they backed off at the last second and all watched as the ball bounced off of 2nd base. The CHILI PEPPER runners were on the move and another run came home. With CHILI PEPPER runners now on 1st and 3rd, the next batter hit Natalie's next pitch toward 3rd base. Janessa rushed in to make the catch, but couldn't secure the ball and it dropped to the ground. As she scrambled to get the ball, the runner on 3rd took off for home and scored. With CHILI PEPPER runners now on 1st and 2nd, the 8th batter of the inning came to the plate. After an initial ball pitch, the batter hit one out into left field. Reacting quickly, Anna got in front of the ball and picked it up. She quickly threw the ball back to the infield and prevented the runners from scoring, but the bases were now loaded. The next batter came out to bring her teammates home. She took a swing at Natalie's 1st pitch and got a piece of it. On the bounce, Natalie moved in and scooped up the ball. She turned and threw to 1st for the 3rd out, but the CHILI PEPPERS added 3 points to their lead in the inning and were inching away from BLUR in the game.

Hylah was up 1st in the 5th. After taking a ball on the 1st pitch, Hylah took a swing on the next one and connected. The ball went high over the 1st base foul line in right field. As the ball came down the CHILI PEPPER right fielder thought that it would land in foul territory, but as it bounced, the umpire called it fair before it rolled out. The play was on, and Hylah had time to reach 1st base. Natalie was up next. A low pitch brought up 1 and 0. The CHILI PEPPER pitcher managed to string together 2 strikes to bring the count on Natalie to 1 and 2. On the next pitch, Natalie hit the ball down the middle and the ball got past the pitcher and the short stop missed the grab, but slowed down the ball as Hylah approached 2nd base. Hylah slowed her pace as the short stop and pitcher scrambled to pick up the ball. Then, Hylah saw an opening and skipped around the CHILI PEPPER players to make it safely to 2nd. Kas was up next. On the 1st pitch, Kas made contact and sent the ball on a tear through the CHILI PEPPER infield. The 2nd baseman contained the ball, holding Kas to a single and the bases were loaded for BLUR. Anna was up next. The pitcher had trouble finding the strike zone and walked her, bringing Hylah across the plate and putting BLUR on the board for the 1st time in the game. Olivia was up next and with the bases loaded, she wanted to control her own fate on her at bat. Swinging on the 1st pitch, Olivia hit the ball down the 1st base line and the runners were on the move. The 1st baseman came off the bag to collect the ball, but bobbled it as she made her turn to 1st. Having little time to get to the base, the 1st baseman recovered the ball and went after Olivia, getting the tag just before Olivia reached 1st. While the CHILI PEPPER defense was occupied, the other runners advanced and Natalie came across the plate, scoring another run for BLUR. Destiny came to the plate next. Trying to put an end to the inning, the CHILI PEPPER pitcher started turning on the heat. She strung 3 pitches together that caught Destiny by surprise as she held her bat hoping for a ball that never came. The pitcher sent Destiny back to the BLUR dugout with the 2nd out. Jessica was up next. Getting behind in the count against Jessica, the CHILI PEPPER pitcher fought her way back to full count. Her next pitch went wide and Jessica got on base with a walk. Nikki was up next. Again, it was a back and forth battle with Nikki as the pitcher worked up to full count again. This time, the next pitch was dead on and squeaked past Nikki's bat, striking her out and limiting the BLUR offense to 2 runs in the inning.


6th Inning
With time running out in the game and darkness falling over the ball fields, this would be the last inning of the game. The CHILI PEPPER girls had BLUR's number all night long. This would be BLUR's last shot at a comeback. Lexie was brought in to pitch the final inning of the evening. Having cooled off over the last 2 innings, Lexie struggled to find her pitch. With the exception of 1 swing for a strike, Lexie couldn't find the mark on the 1st 2 batters and they both got on base. With CHILI PEPPER runners on 1st and 2nd, the next batter came out swinging. She missed the 1st one for a strike. Then, the batter fouled out the next pitch for strike 2. The next pitch hit the ground, bringing up ball 1 and a passed ball evened up the count as the runners stole their way into scoring position. On the next pitch, the batter got a hit and sent the ball deep into the BLUR right field. As the BLUR defense scrambled for the ball and threw it back to the infield, the batter reached 2nd and 2 CHILI PEPPER runners scored. On the 1st pitch on the next batter, the ball hit the ground and rolled away from Hylah and gave the runner time to reach 3rd and pressure BLUR with the threat of another run. Lexie fought back to full count on the batter. On her last pitch, the ball was low and the batter walked. The next CHILI PEPPER batter came to the plate. After 1 ball and 1 strike, the batter took a swing on the next pitch and got one past Katelyn's outstretched glove for a single and brought 1 more run home, giving the CHILI PEPPERS a double-digit score. Lexie got it together on the next batter. She strung 2 strikes together and got ahead in the count. The batter took a swing on the next pitch but sent it into foul territory. After a couple of balls, the batter took a swing yet again and continued to stay alive with foul balls. Finally, Lexie was able to get the batter to swing and Lexie was able to get the batter out of there. After taking a ball, the next batter took a swing on the next pitch, sending it again at Katelyn playing 2nd base. Running to make the catch on the fly, Katelyn turned her glove over at the last second and the ball hit and bounced out. The batter scored a single on the play and brought 1 more CHILI PEPPER run across home plate. The next CHILI PEPPER batter threw out a bunt on the 1st pitch. The ball popped up and hit the runner as she was trying to get to 1st. Strike 1. She attempted the bunt again on Lexie's next pitch. This time, she left it out as the ball sailed over. Strike 2. Lexie's next pitch was ruled a ball, but she got the batter swinging again. Unfortunately, the batter stayed alive by continuing to make contact and fouling the ball out. Slowly, but surely, the count filled up. On the next pitch, the batter hit the ball and sent a grounder down the 1st base line. Natalie scooped it up and stepped on 1st base to get the 2nd out of the inning, but 1 more CHILI PEPPER made it home to bring the CHILI PEPPER score to 12. The next batter came to the plate. Lexie missed her target on the 1st 2 pitches and got behind in the count, but she found the strike zone again and got the batter to miss and foul it out on the next 2 pitches to even up the count. The batter took a swing on the next pitch and, once again, it was a foul tip. Keeping her eye on the ball, Hylah snatched the foul ball out of the air to get the 3rd and final out on the CHILI PEPPERS for this game.

Trailing by 10, the game seemed out of reach, but the BLUR offense was game to get back at it. Janessa was up 1st in the inning. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Janessa got a hit. The ball rolled through the CHILI PEPPER infield on its way to the right field grass. The CHILI PEPPER 2nd baseman got in front of the ball and picked it up. Turning for the throw, the 2nd baseman flipped the ball to 1st and got the 1st out. Rachel was next. The pitcher lost control of her 1st pitch and Rachel was awarded 1st base as she got hit by the ball. Katelyn came to the plate next. The pitcher's 1st pitch on Katelyn got past the catcher for a ball and Rachel easily stole 2nd. The CHILI PEPPER pitcher found her target on the next pitch as Katelyn held her bat and the count was at 1 and 1. Katelyn took a swing on the next pitch and missed for strike 2. The next pitch came through and Katelyn held her bat as the pitch looked like it was going wide. Unfortunately, it stayed in and the umpire ruled it a strike and Katelyn was sent back to the BLUR dugout with the 2nd out of the inning and BLUR's chances to get back in the game were quickly slipping away. Jahlan came to the plate and, being the last chance batter, decided to come out swinging. She took a swing on the 1st pitch and put the ball in play. She took off for 1st as the ball rolled up the middle of the infield. The pitcher strolled in to pick up the ball. With plenty of time, the pitcher connected with her 1st baseman, beating Jahlan to 1st for the out. With the BLUR offense denied in the 6th, the game was called and the CHILI PEPPERS handed BLUR their biggest loss of the season.

Final Score

Game Ball
With BLUR only able to put 2 points on the board in the game, there was very little BLUR offense on display. However, the BLUR defense had a great showing as they held the very tough CHILI PEPPERS for the better part of the game. The one thing that stood out all game was the fact that Olivia, when she was out in the outfield, showed such impressive leadership and situational awareness when she took control of the outfield by calling for defensive adjustments, completely on her own. For every situation, she moved the BLUR defenders into the correct positions without any input from her coaches and it didn't go unnoticed. So, for showing great leadership qualities and game awareness, as well as getting the 1 hit that brought a run home for BLUR, Olivia was awarded the game ball. Great work Olivia!

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