Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thursday - April 22, 6pm vs. CV METS

On a 3 game skid, BLUR came to the fields to host the CV METS. We got to the fields earlier than usual to try to shake off the cobwebs that plagued us in the last game by starting our pre-game warm up and trying to get the girls' blood pumping. Having missed the previous day's practice due to wet field conditions as a storm system blew through the area on practice day, BLUR was not able to work out some of the kinks in their game before this evening. BLUR would have to try to make their improvements under fire against a reportedly strong opponent. Which BLUR team would show up tonight? The team that performed and executed, but came up short in their 1st 2 outings or the team that got a late start in their first weeknight game of the season. It was time to find out as the umpire called a start to the game.

1st Inning
The CV METS were visitor on the day and got the first crack at the scoreboard. Natalie came in to pitch to start the game off. Having not fully warmed up before the game, Natalie was very tentative with her pitching early in the game and had difficulty finding her strike zone. Going back and forth with the batter, Natalie got to full count before throwing a ball on the next pitch for a walk. With a runner on base, the CV METS started stealing aggressively. On the 1st pitch on the next batter, Natalie threw a ball and the runner stole 2nd. Another ball went through, but Hylah maintained control to keep the runner honest. The next 2 pitches found their target, but the runner on base stole her way into scoring position. A ball on the next pitch put another CV METS runner on base. Natalie shook it off to face the next batter. The batter showed bunt on the next pitch, but pulled it away to preserve the ball just as the runner on 1st took off on a successful steal to 2nd. With CV METS runners ready to go, the batter took a swing at a 2 and 0 pitch and sent it high above the infield. Natalie backed up and caught the ball for the 1st out of the inning. Once again, Natalie was struggling and it took 3 pitches before she found a strike. On the next pitch, the batter took a swing and sent a fast grounder down the 1st base line out into the right field grass for a single, bringing 2 runs across the plate and putting the CV METS on the board. The next batter came out swinging, but missed on the 1st pitch for a strike as the runner safely stole 2nd. A ball on the next pitch got past Hylah and the runner made it to 3rd on the steal and put the CV METS back into scoring position. The batter got a hit on the next pitch and, on the bounce, Natalie turns to make a throw to 2nd, but there was no play and the batter made it to 1st as the runner on 3rd made it safely home. After a ball and a foul tip and a successful steal to 2nd, the batter hit the next pitch that Natalie plucked out of the air for the 2nd out. Seeing the runner turn back to 2nd since she didn't tag up, Natalie threw the ball to Kas at short stop, thinking that Kas had a better shot at a tag. Unfortunately, the runner safely avoided it and made it back to 2nd. The next CV METS batter came to the plate. With a high ball on the 1st pitch, the CV METS continued to apply the pressure as they kept up their aggressive stealing and the runner made it to 3rd. On the next pitch, the batter hit a fast grounder through the infield as Kas got in front of the ball. She reached her glove out to collect the ball, but it fell out as Kas stood up to prepare for the throw. The batter got a single on the play and drove one more run home. After working to 3 and 1 on the next batter, Natalie threw a strike through to Hylah, as the runner on 2nd attempted to steal. Hylah got up and threw the ball to Janessa. Janessa reached out to catch the ball but couldn't turn around in time to make the tag and the runner was safe. A ball on the next pitch put another CV METS runner on base. With the 9th batter now approaching the plate with 2 runners on, BLUR needed to wake up to try to put and end to this initial CV METS rush. A ball on the 1st pitch sent the runner on 1st on a successful steal. A high pitch brought up 2 and 0. Hylah's throw back to Natalie went over her and Natalie was not able reach it and the runners on base capitalized on the error, bringing 1 more run across the plate. Natalie was then able to get the batter to swing on the next 2 pitches to bring the count to 2 and 2. The batter connected on the next pitch sending a line drive straight back to Natalie, who made the catch and, with plenty of time, easily tossed the ball to Lexie for the final out of the inning.

With the CV METS taking an early and commanding lead in the 1st, the BLUR offense needed to play catch up early in the game. Rachel came to the plate to kick things off. The CV METS pitcher was warming up and threw 3 pitches before finding Rachel's strike zone. On the next pitch, Rachel took a swing and hit the ball sending it rolling down the 1st base line. The 1st baseman picked it up and walked back to tag the base for the 1st out of the inning. Katelyn was up next. Splitting the difference with the pitcher, Katelyn was at 2 and 2 when the pitcher threw a ball on her next pitch. With the count on Katelyn full, the pitcher threw the ball into the dirt and Katelyn got on base. Lexie was up next and, on the 1st pitch, took a swing and hit the ball out into right field for a single as Katelyn made it to 3rd. It was Hylah's turn at bat. On a strike pitch, Katelyn safely stole 2nd. Another strike pitch came through, catching Hylah by surprise as she held her bat. A foul tip on the next pitch kept Hylah alive. Then the pitcher threw 2 balls across the plate to even the count up. Hylah took a swing on the next pitch, but missed and struck out. With 2 outs and 2 runners in scoring position, Natalie came out to take her turn at bat. On the 1st pitch, Natalie took a swing and sent the ball right over the pitcher for a single, bringing Katelyn home and putting BLUR on the board. Kas was up next and, following Natalie's lead, took a swing on the first pitch, but sent the ball into foul territory. On the next pitch, Kas swung again, this time the ball was fair, but it dropped like a stone just in front of home plate. Kas took off for 1st as the defense scrambled to get control of the ball. As the CV METS threw to 1st, Lexie took off for home and crossed the plate. Anna came to the plate and , for the 3rd BLUR batter in a row, took a swing on the 2nd pitch and made contact. The ball rolled down the 1st base line and the CV METS 1st baseman picked the ball up and tagged the bag to close out the 1st inning.


2nd Inning
Natalie was brought in to pitch in the 2nd. Making quick work of the 1st batter, Natalie got BLUR off to a good start with a strikeout. She had trouble finding her target on the next batter and a METS runner got on with a walk. The 3rd CV METS batter got a hit after a count of 0 and 1 and found a seam in the BLUR infield. With the ball finding it's way to Jessica in left field, the batter managed a single before Jessica was able to get the ball back to Natalie to stop the action. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases. Another walk to follow it up brought 1 CV METS runner home and the difficult decision was made to give Lexie a shot at the CV METS offense. Lexie had been sick during the week and she, although she was still not feeling well, Lexie fought through it to try to keep BLUR in the game. On Lexie's 1st pitch on the next batter, the ball hit the ground and got passed Hylah, rolling up the backstop. The CV METS runners capitalized and were on the move, bringing 1 more run across the plate on a steal. The next CV METS batter got a hit on the 1st pitch and sent the ball quickly through the 1st base side of the infield. Rachel moved in to try to make the stop, but the ball bounced loose and the METS batter made it safely to 1st as another run touched home. With METS runners on 1st and 3rd, the stunned BLUR defense was left scratching their heads as to what to do to stop the surging METS. On the 1st strike pitch, the runner on 1st stole 2nd and the CV METS were, once again in scoring position. No swing on the next strike pitch brought the count to 0 and 2. Then the batter stayed alive of foul balls until Lexie threw a ball, bringing the count to 1 and 2 with runners on 2nd and 3rd and 1 out. The batter took a swing on Lexie's next pitch sending it through the BLUR infield on the 3rd base side. Janessa moved in to make the stop, but the ball came out of her glove as she got up to make play and the runner made it on base, scoring 1 more run. The next CV METS batter came to the plate with runners on 1st and 3rd. On a low pitch, the runner on 1st stole 2nd. The batter connected with the next pitch and hit a line drive straight to Lexie. Lexie had to react fast to attempt the catch, but the ball came at an awkward angle and hit Lexie's glove before she could get it open and the ball hit the ground and the runner made it to 1st and brought yet another METS runner home. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases for the CV METS once again and the perplexed BLUR defense struggled to find an answer to the CV METS' aggressive 2nd inning rush. A high ball, a foul ball and a strike brought the count to 1 and 2 on the next batter, but the next pitch hit the ground to even it up. The batter connected on the next pitch and sent a hard grounder to Janessa at short stop. Janessa picked the ball up quickly and extended her arms to get the tag on the runner going from 2nd to 3rd for the 2nd out, but another run came across the plate on the play. The next batter came out swinging, determined to keep the CV METS moving. A foul ball brought the count to 0 and 1. Then Lexie managed to get the batter swinging on the next 2 pitches, striking her out and retiring the side, but after a 6 run inning, the CV METS were now well in control of the game.

Could the BLUR offense find a way to bring this game back to help out their shaken defense? Destiny was up 1st to kick off the 2nd inning. Going back and forth with the CV METS pitcher and getting up to full count, Destiny got on base with a walk. Nikki was up next and got a hit on the 1st pitch. Unfortunately, the ball rolled slowly down the 1st base side of the field. As Nikki got her head down and pumped her arms trying to get to 1st, the pitcher walked over to pick up the ball and threw to 1st, beating Nikki to the bag for the out as Destiny reached 2nd. On the ball pitch to Jahlan, Destiny gunned it for 3rd. The next pitch went low and got past the CV METS catcher. Destiny took off and reached home before the defense could recover, scoring a run for BLUR. The pitcher got back to work and Jahlan fought hard to stay alive on foul balls until, eventually, the METS pitcher got the better of the exchange and caught Jahlan swinging for the strikeout. Olivia was up next. After getting to 1 and 1 in the count, Olivia got a piece of the next pitch and sent it over the infield. The METS short stop moved in to position, but the ball hit her glove and bounced out and Olivia was able to make it to 1st. Jessica was up next and the pitcher, working hard to get out of the inning, started throwing heat. 2 pitches came right down the middle and Jessica was caught off guard. On the 3rd pitch, the ball went low and got past the catcher and Olivia took a shot at 2nd and made it. The next pitch missed the mark as well for a ball. Then a strike on the next pitch brought up full count. Jessica knew the pitcher had to throw a strike to close out the inning. So, she gripped her bat and planted her feet. The pitcher released the ball and Jessica took a swing. The bat barely missed the ball, bringing up strike 3 for the 3rd out. The BLUR offense was sent back to the dugout with only 1 run in the inning.


3rd Inning
Coming into the 3rd inning trailing by 8 and the BLUR defense in the weeds, Hylah was called up to the rubber for the 1st time in the season after holding down the fort at catcher for the entirety of all of our previous games. After getting ahead and bringing the count to 1 and 2, Hylah’s next pitch hit the batter in the helmet, awarding her the base on a walk. The next batter took a swing on Hylah’s 1st pitch sending it into foul territory. On a low pitch, the runner on 1st stole 2nd and, on the next ball pitch, took off and safely stole her way into scoring position. A walk on the batter put CV METS runners on 1st and 3rd. Hylah started to struggle to find her pitch and after a steal to 2nd on the 2nd ball pitch, Kas got up to attempt the throwdown, but the ball got past Rachel at 2nd, getting the runners moving and scoring 1 more run for the CV METS. On the next pitch, the ball got past Kas and bounced off of the backstop, sending the ball rolling back into the infield. Scrambling to get the ball, both Kas and Hylah left their positions to go after the ball and home plate was left open. Seeing the opportunity, the CV METS runner on 3rd took off like a shot and scored. Finally, a walk on the batter put CV METS runners on 1st and 2nd. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases. The pressure seeming to get to Hylah, she struggled but couldn’t find her pitch. At 2 and 0, a passed ball sent the runners once again, but Kas was able to recover quickly and return to tag the plate a split-second before the runner scored, getting the 1st out of the inning. Continuing to struggle, Hylah walked the next 2 batters and kept the bases loaded, putting 2 more points on the board for the CV METS and Natalie was brought back in to close out the inning. Inching her way to 2 and 2 on the batter, Natalie was able to bring out the strike on the next pitch and caught the batter swinging too late for the strikeout. After working to full count on the next batter, Natalie’s next pitch got away from her and the batter walked to get on base, bringing the CV METS score to 15. Things looked bad for BLUR as Natalie’s 1st 2 pitches were called balls. On the next pitch, the batter hit one down the 3rd base line and Janessa moved up to make the stop. She quickly stepped over to 3rd to get the force out, putting an end to the action and moving the game to the bottom of the 3rd.

In back-to-back action in the game, Janessa, after getting the 3rd out on the CV METS in the top of the inning, came to the plate and made hard contact with the 1st pitch. Janessa took it for a ride out into the CV METS outfield for a double. On the 1st ball pitch to Rachel, Janessa stole 3rd and put BLUR into scoring position. The pitcher struggled to find Rachel’s strike zone and Rachel got on base with a walk. Katelyn was up next. The 1st pitch went low and got past the catcher. Janessa took off for home and scored as Rachel moved to 2nd. On the next passed ball, Rachel made it to 3rd. Katelyn started swinging and got to full count, but the pitcher couldn’t close so Katelyn earned the base on a walk. Lexie was up next. On the 1st pitch, Katelyn stole 2nd and BLUR was now poised to score. With 1 strike in the mix, the pitcher couldn’t find her target and Lexie got on, loading the bases. Again, the pitcher found it difficult to hit her mark and walked both Hylah and Natalie, keeping the bases loaded and bringing in 2 more BLUR runs. It looked like the pitcher was going to continue her streak when she pitched a ball on her 1st toss to Kas. But on the next pitch, Kas got a piece of it and sent a low fly ball over the infield that just barely went over the pitcher. BLUR runners took off as the METS’ 2nd baseman moved in to catch the ball. 1 BLUR run came come as the 2nd baseman misjudged the distance and the ball hit the ground on the infield and 1 more BLUR run scored. Kas held up at 1st. Anna was up next, but the CV METS pitcher was now more determined than ever. The pitcher got ahead early and threw 2 strike pitches. Anna got a piece of 1, but fouled it out. As Anna was warming up in the batter’s box, the CV METS catcher got up and got hit by Anna’s bat. This put a halt to the action for a moment as the METS tended to their downed catcher. Eventually, she got up, brushed herself off and got back into her position and play resumed. After staying alive on a couple of foul balls, Anna finally missed 1 and struck out. Destiny was up next. After 2 pitches, the count on Destiny was 0 and 2. Destiny fouled out on a couple of pitches to stay alive and the pitcher threw across 2 ball pitches to bring the count even at 2 and 2. Destiny fouled out again to stay alive, but the next pitch flew just under her swing for the 2nd out of the inning. A walk on Nikki loaded the bases once again and, even though the door was closing on the inning, BLUR was starting to build some offensive momentum and was closing the gap on the CV METS. Knowing that this was possibly the last chance for BLUR in the inning, Jahlan came to the plate swinging hard. On the 1st pitch, Jahlan crushed the ball to the outfield for a double and brought 2 runs home. Olivia was up next. The 1st pitch hit the dirt for a ball and Nikki took off for home on the passed ball. As the CV METS defense scrambled to regain control, Nikki slowed down her run as she approached the plate and the METS were able get the ball back to tag the plate and put an end to the BLUR offensive rush.

CV METS 15 – BLUR 10

4th Inning
After a little break and some time to regroup, Lexie was brought back in to pitch. After stringing together a couple of strikes on the 1st CV METS batter, Lexie eventually walked her. On the 1st pitch, the runner made her way to 2nd on a steal. Another low ball brought up 2 and 0 and the runner made it to 3rd. On the next pitch, the batter made contact. On the bounce, Lexie picked up the ball and threw awkwardly to Natalie, missing the connection and the runner got on base as the runner from 3rd scored. Lexie got back to work on the next batter. Splitting the difference, Lexie worked to a count of 2 and 2 on the batter. Digging deep, Lexie wound up for the pitch and stepped forward, releasing the ball. The batter took a hard step to take a swing on the strike pitch. Taking her eye off of it at the last second, the batter swung high and the ball dipped just under, reaching Hylah’s glove. Strike 3. Lexie notched the 1st out of the inning. The next CV METS batter came to the plate. On the pitch, the batter took a swing and fouled it out. The next pitch was a ball and the runner on base made it safely to 2nd on a steal. The next pitch was a ball and it got past Hylah and, as she ran to collect the ball, the runner took off for 3rd. Hylah made the quick throw to Janessa and Janessa had to come off the bag to make the catch. Turning to make the tag, the runner slid to avoid and Janessa hit her hard in the facemask with her glove. The runner was safe. Struggling to find the mark, Lexie lost control of the next pitch, hitting the batter and sending her to 1st. The next batter connected on Lexie’s 1st pitch. On the bounce, Lexie grabbed the ball and quickly threw to Natalie at 1st for the 2nd out. Reacting quickly, Natalie threw the ball back to Hylah at home to keep the runner on 3rd honest. Lexie turned her focus back to the plate as the next batter took her position. Ball on the 1st pitch. 1 and 0. Strike on the next pitch. 1 and 1. Ball. 2 and 1. Swing and a miss. 2 and 2. On the next pitch, Lexie drilled it in, scooting it just above the batter’s swing for the strike out, bringing out the BLUR offense.

Olivia was up to start us off in the 4th. After a ball and a foul tip, the count was at 1 and 1. On the next pitch, Olivia got a hit, but it went directly back to the pitcher. On the bounce, the pitcher got a hold of the ball and made the throw to 1st for the out on Olivia. Jessica was up next. She held her bat on the 1st strike pitch then took a swing at a low pitch. Jessica held the bat on a low pitch, bringing up 1 and 2. On the next pitch, Jessica took a swing and sent the ball on a hard bounce down the 3rd base side of the infield. The short stop moved in to pick up the ball and, without missing a beat, made the arcing throw to 1st, beating Jessica to the bag for the 2nd out of the inning. With the clock ticking and 2 outs, if BLUR was going to catch up to the CV METS, the time was now. Janessa came to the plate next. On the 1st pitch, Janessa took a hard swing that connected and sent the ball bouncing, past the pitcher and the short stop, into the grass for a single. On 2 strike pitches to Rachel, Janessa stole aggressively and made her way to 3rd. The pitcher lost her target on the next few pitches and Rachel got on base with a walk. With BLUR runners on 1st and 3rd, Kately came up to take her turn at bat. After taking a swing on the 1st pitch for a strike, Katelyn held her bat as the pitcher began to struggle again. A walk on Katelyn loaded the bases for BLUR. Lexie was up next. With 2 outs, the runners had to now get ready for any contact. Lexie took a swing and missed the 1st pitch. On the next pitch, Lexie got a hold of it, but the grounder hugged the 1st base line and the 1st baseman was able to make the stop and step on the bag for the 3rd out, shutting down the BLUR offense. The umpire, checking her clock notified both teams that there was 1 minute left in regulation and called the game.

CV METS 16 – BLUR 10

5th Inning
With BLUR behind in the game and time left in regulation, the ruling was protested citing league rules and the umpire reversed the call. The BLUR girls would get another shot at catching up after the CV METS’ at bat. Lexie was brought back in to close out the game. Lexie had to warm up again after the confusion at the end of the last inning. A walk on the 1st batter on 4 pitches put a CV METS runner on 1st. Lexie got behind in the count early on the next batter, but regrouped on the next couple of pitches, bringing the count to full. The batter stayed alive on a couple of foul tips, but Lexie eventually got the better of her and got the batter to swing on the next pitch for the strikeout. The 3rd batter came to the plate. On Lexie’s 1st pitch, the batter took a swing and hit it through the BLUR infield. Katelyn moved in to grab the ball and stutter-stepped on her throw, giving the runner just enough time to make it safely to 1st. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases for the CV METS. The next CV METS batter came to the plate. On the 1st pitch, the batter sent a low fly ball over Lexie and it looked like it was going to make it into the outfield. The runners took off for their next base, but Katelyn moved in under the ball. On the fly, Katelyn snatched the ball out of the air for the 2nd out and the runners were caught off base without tagging up. In all the excitement, with the stands, the BLUR dugout screaming and the CV METS runners trying to make it back to their respective bases, Katelyn missed the chance at the follow-up double play and threw the ball back to Lexie at the rubber. The bases were still loaded. After a foul tip on the on the 1st pitch, the batter sent the ball for a ride to the BLUR outfield, bringing 2 runs across the plate for the CV METS. The next batter came to the plate. On the 1st pitch, the batter connected as well and sent it bouncing down the 3rd base line. Janessa strolled over to make the stop and tagged 3rd base for the force out, closing out the last offensive inning for the CV METS and seemingly bringing out the BLUR offense for another crack at a comeback.

Unfortunately, the last half inning was academic as the Board Member On Duty instructed the umpire to call a stop to the game citing darkness and safety. The BLUR girls were denied their last at bat and their chance to mount a comeback. By league rules, the score rolled back to the last completed inning.

Final Score
CV METS 16 – BLUR 10

Game Ball
The game ball for today’s game went to Jahlan. On one of her at bats, at 2 outs in the 3rd inning, Jahlan crushed the ball out to the CV METS’ outfield for a double bringing in the final 2 scores of the game. This was probably Jahlan’s biggest hit of the season so far and it came at a critical moment in the game. Unfortunately, BLUR wasn’t able to build on it after the 3rd, but it was a great, exciting hit nonetheless. Great job Jahlan! And keep it up, we need more of that bat out there!

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